Learn the things mainstream systems FAIL to teach you

We're going to change your business FOREVER

(in a good way)

Let's talk about why you're here....

(In a nutshell) Your current situation isn't exactly what you'd like it to be and you're not sure how to get to your desired situation.

Let's save you some time.


Business Skool©

Designed for UK-based Independent service-providing businesses to...





What we Offer.

We begin by learning about you, your business, and your future desires.

Once we're clear on your intentions, we'll discuss how we can best help get you there.

In short, you gain a temporary business partner (without giving away any equity). We treat your business like our own and teach you how to implement profound & effective actions to get you the results you want.

We don't do DFY (done-for-you) OR DIY (do-it-yourself) methods.


DFY is often overpriced and keeps you trapped relying on someone else to grow your business.

DIY lacks accountability & guidance.

DWY (done-with-you) Allows you to be in the driver's seat of your business, holds you accountable, and allows you to grow your skills and experience.

FUN FACT: Your position as "Director" is to Direct your company. The choices you make today will determine your company's direction.

How it works?

Good question.

Uno. Initial Call - We offer a free 45-60min call that is solely focused on pinpointing your biggest problems in business & how to solve them and start getting results immediately. Regardless of whether you decide to join us, the call is designed to shift your mindset & business.

Dos. Upon joining us, we'll create a "masterplan" for your business, the most important comes first. Every business is at a different starting block, some have problems getting leads, and some have problems hiring. Together we'll create a plan, implement that plan and get the results you want.

Tres. The results! Sometimes more money is the answer, sometimes it's more time, more balance, less stress. Whatever success looks like to you we'll help you create it.

Our Business Model.

As you can see, we've built our ENTIRE business to be focused on your results.

Great Coaching = Great Results = Great Reviews = Great Referrals

The Reviews.

Read more reviews here.


Mainstream systems are f*%ked.

The schooling system is outdated.

The health system is lost.

The financial system is confused.

We want to change that.

Skool® is on a mission to provide lessons on sh*t that matter, in the areas of life that matter most.

To provide real, practical & tangible lessons on...

These are the 5 pillars that make Skool®, Also being the areas of life that matter most.

We're starting with business, although health comes first, business is what we know the most.

And when the time is right, & when we believe we can provide a tonne of value, other areas will be available.

Learn more about the vision here.

The Team.

Learn more about the team here.

The Guarantee.

Our primary focus as a business is simple

Your results.

After our initial call, we'll both set intentions and targets of what you'd like to achieve and set a realistic time frame to match (minimum 3 months)

IF for whatever reason we don't achieve said targets. We believe that's our responsibility (provided you've put in the work)

& We will continue to work with you for as long as it takes until we do, for FREE.

So upon joining us, you're guaranteed to achieve what you set out to.

Stuff we get asked sometimes.

Do you offer online or group courses?

Everything we do is 1:1. We believe it's the fastest and most efficient way of coaching available.

Online courses can be good, Group courses can be great but 1:1 is superior.

Do you have a referral programme?


Every person you refer to Skool® & becomes a client = We pay you £495, No catch, Just thanks from us! 😊

What topics are covered throughout coaching?

We cover every topic in business, from HR to Sales, A.I., Hiring & more.

During our initial call we'll get to you know you & your business, we ONLY work with people we believe whole heartedly that we can help. Our business model depends on it.

Why Skool®?

There's a bunch that sets us apart from the rest, here's the top 5.

  • Real-Life Experience (Overcoming our own obstacles and traumas has been a big part of the creation of Skool®, helping you do the same is an honor)
  • Exclusive 1:1 coaching (We ONLY offer 1:1 coaching as we believe it's the best method for your results. P.S. EVERY High Performer has a coach/mentor)
  • Accountability (Being held accountable by a third party is priceless, No matter how good the plan is accountability keeps you on track.)
  • Extensive resources (Leading by example is ingrained in everything we do, that's why we've acquired tools, methods, techniques, and strategies from some of the most impactful leaders on the planet.
  • Guaranteed Results! (You WILL achieve what we set out to do - Whether you like it or not😉 )

Only 1 thing left to do.